BMW Connected starts up some services and waits for either a USB Accessory connection or a Bluetooth device connection. After connection, it signals other components and apps to start up and contribute menu entries to the dashboard.

Connected Apps - Registering

BMW Connected Classic only provides a set of internal apps, and does not provide an official way to add external apps.

In contrast, the new BMW Connected app has a full discovery system to locate companion apps. It seems that CarAPI is the name of the discovery method for external apps, such as Spotify, while ConnectedSDK is the internal one used by apps packaged inside the BMW Connected package.


In this discovery method, the main Connected app broadcasts an Intent named, and this Intent has some extras:

Name Type Description
EXTRA_REQUESTED_BRAND String One of {bmw|mini|bmwi|all}, probably which Connected app is querying
EXTRA_REQUESTED_APP_TYPE String One of {row|china|usa|unknown}, some sort of region locking?
EXTRA_QUERY_REQUESTOR_PKG_NAME String The Connected App's package name, such as
EXTRA_KNOWN_APPS String[] Hardcoded to be an empty list

This Intent is received elsewhere in the BMW Connected app, which then goes through the packaged carapplications directory to load up the built-in apps.


In addition, when the main BMW Connected app starts, it sends out a broadcast intent named, with no attached extras, to solicit responses from any installed Connected Apps.

Connected Apps, such as IHeartRadio for Auto, are listening for this CONNECTED_APP_INSTALLED intent, often declared in AndroidManifest.xml as a receiver. When it receives an announcement, it broadcasts an intent in reply: Attached to this intent, it sends along an icon and title. This registration intent includes Intent names to be notified on connection and on disconnection. The full list of extras is:

Name Type Description
EXTRA_APPLICATION_CATEGORY String One of Multimedia|Radio|OnlineServices, which determines which app template to use
EXTRA_APPLICATION_BRAND BrandType enum One of {bmw|mini|bmwi|all}, probably which Connected apps to show in
EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID String A short name for this app
EXTRA_APPLICATION_TITLE String The display name of the app
EXTRA_APPLICATION_APP_ICON String An icon to show in the main app
EXTRA_APPLICATION_VERSION String A version string, such as v3, which ties into the RHMI app layout
EXTRA_APPLICATION_CONNECT_RECEIVER_ACTION String An intent to call when the car has connected
EXTRA_APPLICATION_DISCONNECT_RECEIVER_ACTION String An intent to call when the car has disconnected

Connected Apps - Car Connection

participant App as Connected App
participant BMWApp as BMW Connected
participant Car as BMW Car
BMWApp ->> Car: BT or USB connection
BMWApp ->> Car: BCL knock and handshake
BMWApp -->> App: Intent("com.bmwgroup.connected.accessory.ACTION_CAR_ACCESSORY_ATTACHED")
App ->> BMWApp: TCP Connection
activate BMWApp
App ->> Car: Etch Connection

Once it is connected and the BCL tunnel is established, the main BMW Connected app broadcasts an Android intent specifying the tunnel endpoint through which the Etch protocol can be used virtually directly to the car.

The broadcast Intent com.bmwgroup.connected.accessory.ACTION_CAR_ACCESSORY_ATTACHED has the following extra attributes:

Name Type Description
EXTRA_BRAND String One of {bmw|mini|bmwi|all}, BMW Connected Classic's embedded apps require that this match the app's brand
EXTRA_ACCESSORY_BRAND String One of {bmw|mini|bmwi|all}
EXTRA_HOST String The ip address where the Etch proxy is running
EXTRA_PORT int The port where the Etch proxy is running, perhaps 4007 or 4008
EXTRA_INSTANCE_ID int Defaults to -1, the new BMW Connected will always be 12<=id<=14


External applications using the CarAPI are started with the EXTRA_APPLICATION_CONNECT_RECEIVER_ACTION Intent that they previously registered with BMW Connected. This Intent has the following extras:

Name Type Description
EXTRA_COMMAND String start
EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID String The registered app ID, which is normally the Android package name
EXTRA_APPLICATION_VERSION String The version provided when the app registered itself
EXTRA_RHMI_VERSION String The RHMI layout version to use, such as v1, v2, or v3
EXTRA_APPLICATION_PKG_NAME String The BMW Connected app's package, such as
address String The BCL tunnel address, usually
port int The BCL tunnel port, such as 4040
instance_id int The USB port that the car thinks we are attached to
security_service int The Service Intent name to reach the security service, such as

Notably, CarAPI apps do not connect directly to the Etch proxy port, but instead rely on an Intent-based RPC system to request that Connected manage the connection on their behalf. This RPC system has all the names intact, and may be a useful way to trace high-level behaviors into Etch requests.